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Monday, July 22, 2013

Quebec Open 2013 Rd2-GM Sokolov(NED)

GM Sokolov won again and shares the lead with five others with 2/2. IM Richard Wang scored a big upset with a victory over GM Vera.

IM Piasetski(right) before start of Rd1

1GMSokolov Ivan265011-01IMPanjwani Raja240919
2IMKiewra Keaton F242210 - 11GMSulskis Sarunas25595
3GMMoradiabadi Elshan25511½ - ½1FMOstrovskiy A240321
4GMChirila Ioan-Cristian25281½ - ½1IMPerez Garcia 236423
5IMMolner Mackenzie25011½ - ½1FMJiang Louie232425
6IMCheng Bindi24061½ - ½1IMHambleton A248011
7GMRoussel-Roozmon 247611-01FMChandra Akshat231227
8IMWang Richard237711-01GMVera Reynaldo246213
9IMGerzhoy Leonid246211-01IMCalugar Arthur228231
10FMThavandiran Shiyam23381½ - ½1IMPorper Edward245315
11GMPerez Rodriguez 242711-01FMCao Jason206053
12Preotu Razvan227711-01FMOliva Castaneda 242317
13FMRodriguez Eric2290½0 - 1½GMBruzon 26891
14FMHamilton Robert2251½0 - 1½GMRozentalis E26193
15Adithya B.2301½0 - 1½GMArencibia Walter25269
16GMKovalyov Anton260601-00Morin Yves218543
17Caire Francois217800 - 10GMSambuev Bator25307
18FMShetty Atulya231401-00Bérubé Antoine217445
19Ibrahim Anthony216100 - 10FMKleinman Michael229829
20IMPiasetski Leon227901-00Tomb Maroun213347
21Van Heirzeele Dl21160½ - ½0FMLeveille Francois227933
22Tessier-Desrosiers 210600 - 10FMSapozhnikov R227235
23Zhang Yuanchen20610½ - ½0Song Michael224237
24FMVoskanyan Vahagn22410½ - ½0Chiku-Ratte 210649
25Wan Kevin200600 - 10Kraiouchkine N223439
26Villavieja Butch221101-00Lo Ryan206851
27Masse Hugues218701-00Zhou Qiyu190255

GM Sokolov won again and shares the lead with five others with 2/2.

1GMSokolov IvanNED26502
GMSulskis SarunasLTU25592
GMRoussel-Roozmon ThomasCAN2476QC2
Preotu RazvanCAN2277ON2
5IMGerzhoy LeonidCAN2462ON2
IMWang RichardCAN2377AB2
7GMPerez Rodriguez Luis ManuelCUB24272
8GMChirila Ioan-CristianROU25281.5
IMPorper EdwardCAN2453AB1.5
10GMMoradiabadi ElshanIRI25511.5
IMMolner MackenzieUSA25011.5
IMHambleton AmanCAN2480ON1.5
FMOstrovskiy Aleksandr AUSA24031.5
FMJiang LouieCAN2324QC1.5
15IMCheng BindiCAN24061.5
IMPerez Garcia Rodney OscarCUB23641.5
FMThavandiran ShiyamCAN2338ON1.5
18GMBruzon Batista LazaroCUB2689FO1.5
GMRozentalis EduardasLTU2619FO1.5
GMArencibia WalterCUB2526FO1.5
21GMVera ReynaldoCUB2462FO1
FMCao JasonCAN2060BC1
23IMCalugar ArthurCAN2282ON1
24Masse HuguesCAN2187QC1
25GMSambuev BatorCAN2530QC1
FMOliva Castaneda KevelCUB2423FO1
IMKiewra Keaton FUSA24221
IMPanjwani RajaCAN2409ON1
FMChandra AkshatUSA23121
FMKleinman MichaelCAN2298QC1
IMPiasetski LeonCAN2279BC1
Kraiouchkine NikitaCAN2234QC1
33FMSapozhnikov RomanCAN2272ON1
34GMKovalyov AntonCAN2606QC1
FMShetty AtulyaUSA23141
Villavieja ButchPHI2211BC1

Here is Sokolov's rd2 game in a 4.e3 Nimzo-Indian, a line which he also has written a nice book on.

Sokolov,I (2650) - Panjwani,R (2409)

Nimzo-Indian 4.e3[E46]
COQ 2013 (2.1), 22.07.2013

Position 1

White clearly wants to attack on the kingside. What do you recommend for white now?

White to Play


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